
Provides care for children and youth survivors of severe violence.

Why do our survivors need us?

More than 32,000 children and youth in Mexico suffer some form of violence every year.

During childhood and youth, parents, siblings, are the primary perpetrators of sexual assault during childhood and adolescence.

The reporting rate for child violence is close to zero leading to revictimization.

Around 800 children and youth become orphans due to femicides each year.

Girls represent 93% of sexual violence victims under 17 years of age.

Mexico has the highest rate of child pornography consumption globally.

Survivors Model

Provides care for children and youth survivors of severe violence.

What does Dani say?

"I was sexually abused by my uncle, grandfather, and father. The street became my safe place, and I begged for money to survive. Now, I enjoy Thursdays because I come to Reinserta for my therapies.." 

Dani, violence survivor, 8 years old.

💬 ¿Eres Sobrevivente de violencia?